The Missionary Journey of Vicar Nabin Samal

On Pentecost Sunday, May 28, the members of St. Johns Lutheran Church in urban St. Louis not only celebrated the birth of the World Christian Movement in Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago. They also celebrated the sending of Vicar Nabin Samal to Nepal to serve as a missionary among the Nepalese-speaking people of Nepal and northern India. The story behind this special event sheds light on how the Lord is using the movement of people groups for the establishment of His Kingdom. 

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Thirteen years ago, Nabin, together with members of his family, arrived in St. Louis together with other refugees who were being resettled from Nepal. Many were followers of the Buddhist and Hindu traditions, though some of them became Christians before coming to America. They began getting together for worship and Bible study under the emerging leadership of young men like Nabin Samal and Bhim Mangar and this church became known as the Anugraha (Grace) Nepali Christian Church. 

Through an arrangement with Rev. Michael Tanney of St. Johns Lutheran Church, this independent Christian community began meeting at St. Johns. Intrigued by the teachings of the Lutheran Church, Nabin and Bhim asked Rev. Tanney for an explanation. Over a period of several weeks, he guided them through a study of Luther’s Small Catechism. At the conclusion, both Nabin and Bhim asked to be confirmed. 

A year later, after the members of Anugraha Church had undertaken a study of the Catechism, the entire congregation was confirmed.  This happened on Sunday, June 9, 2019. This class of 30 confirmands was the largest at St. Johns in more than 70 years. The Anugraha Nepali Christian Church kept its name but now functions as a satellite of St. Johns.  

Three years ago, Nabin, together with two other emerging Nepali church leaders, were accepted into Concordia Seminary’s four-year EIIT (Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology) program; this after having completed an 18-month pre-EIIT program provided by CFNA. All of them now carry the designation of “Vicar”.   

Like many resettled refugees, Nabin never really left home. With his computer and cell phone, he has stayed in regular contact with those who still remain in the refugee camps of Nepal, and with others in the region as well.   

In the next issue of CFNA E-News we will share the story of how Vicar Samal was invited to come to Nepal to teach Luther’s Small Catechism to over 300 people. He is there now, and the Nepali translation of the Catechism is being distributed to those who have requested it. Stay tuned!! 

Rev. Al Buckman with Rev. Michael Tanney and Vicar Nabin Samal