2023 Ministry In Review

“Pastor, I don’t know how much I thank Peace Center…you help my children with study, I got a job with your help when we did not have a car you helped me in my difficult time…you church people are so much blessing to me and my family. Happy New Year to you!” This unexpected “thank you” message from Congolese New American - Charlotte summed up the impact CFNA had on many New Americans this past year. 

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In 2023, CFNA was blessed to have linked with a total of 300 recently arrived refugees from 30 birth nations. Engagement activities at the Peace Center continued strong with ESL (130 students from 10 birth nations), Health & Wellness (79 clients at screenings, and coordination of 209 client medical appointments), and After School Tutoring (60 students from 11 birth nations). The Community Engagement Ministry connecting congregational volunteers with specific relationship-building events saw 100 new volunteers engage via 21 events organized in partnership with eight Lutheran congregations. 

Additionally, other activities provided significant participation and impact as well. The Adopt-a-Student program provided for the enrollment of 32 students (13 elementary, 19 high school) into Lutheran schools (including 4 Afghan kids), providing opportunities for New American kids to grow spiritually, academically, and socially within a Lutheran faith environment. Likewise, the Women’s Sewing Program saw over 30 Afghan Muslim women served with skill-building, work-earn projects, fellowship, Bible study, and more. Moreover, the Driver’s Ed. program was blessed with over 617 classroom visits, mostly by people from Afghanistan, Sudan, Congo, and Haiti, with more than 47 students obtaining their driver’s licenses and an additional 42 learner’s permits. 

Fifty-three partner congregations and 44 like-minded organizations contributed heavily to the expansion of ministries in 2023. An important highlight was the Concordia Seminary graduation ordination and installation of emerging New American church leader – Rev. Lewi Jermiya (Eritrea) at St. Trinity Lutheran Church. His journey from a refugee camp in Ethiopia to the LCMS clergy roster in just six years served as a source of encouragement for many of us. In yet another significant milestone, the International Institute of St. Louis conferred upon CFNA, along with four other organizations, their “Multiculturalism Advocate Award” for their outstanding efforts during the Afghan Refugee crisis of 2021-22. None of this would have been possible without the unselfish efforts of over 250 volunteers. 

CFNA will continue to review, evaluate, and reflect upon its ministry commitments going forward, in the context of our mission mandate (John 15:15) and the arrival of more New Americans. To be sure, a needs-based approach will continue to inform decisions regarding new initiatives in the future. 

Your prayers, financial support and advocacy coupled with God’s presence among us made all of this happen. Out thanks to all of you and best wishes for a blessed 2024! 

By Pastor Stanish Stanley
Executive Director, CFNA,
with Rev. Al Buckman