Dynamic Mission Outreach

The November issue of CFNA ENews featured a compelling story of the spiritual journey of Rev. Lewi Jermiya which took him from a refugee camp in Ethiopia to the LCMS clergy roster in just six years. While a student at Concordia Seminary, Lewi also worked hard to bring together growing numbers of Kunama refugees (Eritrea) into an online Bible study which now meets multiple times each week. Here, Rev. Jermiya tells us about this ministry. 

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ENews: Responsible for the support of your family while an EIIT (Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology) student at Concordia Seminary, you were already hard-pressed for time. What prompted you to begin this Bible study ministry as well? 

Lewi: There are many Kunama refugees in this country and beyond who are without any meaningful spiritual guidance including Muslims and lapsed Christians, especially those of Roman Catholic background. They struggle with the challenges of living in a new culture even as they try to provide for the needs of their families. They are searching for friendship, fellowship, hope, and encouragement. 

ENews: What is the name of this Bible study and how many members does it have? 

Lewi: In the beginning, we simply referred to ourselves as the online Kunama Bible Study Fellowship, but more recently we have taken the name, New Life in Christ. We have approximately 80 participants, including a few from Sweden, Spain, and the Netherlands. We meet multiple times each week. 

ENews: What questions or topics are most frequently discussed? 

Lewi:  “Why did Jesus suffer and die for us?” The idea of unconditional love is new to many of these people and they find it to be both encouraging and compelling. Another question has to do with, “What is expected of us as Christians?” For them and for all of us, the reality of salvation by grace alone through faith is especially important. 

ENews: What Bible passages have been most helpful? 

Lewi:  John 14:6. “Jesus answered them, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” It is not Jesus and His mother, Jesus and the saints, Jesus and the traditions of the Church, or Jesus and my good works. It is just Jesus! A related verse is John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” These passages and others in the Bible clearly teach that salvation is by grace alone through faith in Christ. 

ENews: What passages are you studying just now? 

Lewi: Acts 14. Paul and Barnabas encountered many difficulties during their first missionary journey, especially in the cities of Iconium and Lystra. God was with them, however, and many nevertheless came to faith and accepted Christ. The main lesson here is that Christ is always with us, no matter how many difficulties we face. 

ENews. How have lives been changed as a result of this Bible study? 

Lewi: Fifteen members have been baptized, all of them former Muslims. Over 40 have been confirmed through online catechism classes, and all of them are members of local Bible Fellowships and in several cases, have become members of local LCMS congregations. 

ENews: You recently returned from a large gathering of Kunama believers in Sioux Falls, SD.  What was the purpose of this gathering and how many participated? 

Lewi: There is a pressing need to strengthen and intensify the commitment of the new believers because of all the uncertainties and difficulties they face on a daily basis. The gathering featured prayer, preaching, Bible study, fellowship, and more, and lasted for three days. There were between 250 and 300 participants from several cities in this country. Many of them are young people who have only recently made a commitment to Christ. 

ENews: What are your plans and priorities for the future? 

Lewi:  A top priority has to do with the preparation of emerging church leaders from among these Kunama refugees for admission to Concordia Seminary’s EIIT program. Some have already been admitted and others are hoping to do the same. 

Second will be the establishment of additional Kunama Bible Fellowships in cities like Phoenix, Sioux Falls, Wichita, Nashville, and other locations where the members of this online Bible study are the most numerous. The plan is to establish Bible Fellowships and then link them with mission-minded LCMS congregations. 

Our third priority has to do with the continued expansion of this online Bible study to include other Kunama refugees who are not yet members. 

We wish our Lord’s continued blessings on Rev. Jermiya as he continues this ministry to Kunama refugees throughout the USA and beyond. Should you have questions, you may reach him at lewi.jermiya@gmail.com. Meanwhile, stay tuned for more regarding this emerging people movement to Christ.

If you would like to support Rev. Jeremiah as he continues his challenging ministry, you may donate here. Your prayer support will be appreciated even more deeply.

By Rev. Al Buckman with Rev. Lewi Jermiya